Monday, June 16, 2014

Fathers day with the Harwards and Edmonds

Lately we noticed that Brynlee has been getting really excited every time she sees a baby doll so we decided to kick start our fathers day weekend by taking her to get her first baby doll! It was SO cute watching her. As soon as we walked down the doll isle she was kicking and squealing like crazy! She was so excited! Well, she actually was squealing per say.. she was more.. growling?.. grunting?...Its her latest noise that she makes when she is excited. Is actually really funny. She sticks both her arms and legs out super stiff and makes this pretty awful noise and every one at the grocery store stares at you and wonders what the heck is wrong with your kid.
This is what happened when we took it away at the checkout stand.

We are lucky enough that we live close to most of Andrew's family and about an hour away from my oldest sister Andra and her family. So last minute we decided it would be fun to go up and stay the night with Kylee and Kevin (Andrew's sister and her husband) in Logan and stop by Andra's on the way up and back down. Brynlee and Skyler (Kylee and Kevins baby) are only two months apart so its really neat being able to sit and watch them together. Skyler is a definite boy! He is always on the move and getting into trouble while Brynlee just sits and watches him in amusement. Whenever we spend time with Skyler we notice Brynlee trying to do the things that he is doing as well. Its really fun.
 She was NOT a fan with bathing with Skyler (He likes to splash and she likes to sit and calmly play with toys haha!)

As I mentioned before we got to spend some time with my sister Andra as well. We love visiting with them. She has 5 of the best kids around. They are all so thoughtful and kind! We got to meet and have dinner with her husband Darren's family which we really enjoyed. And Brynlee thought the boys were so fascinating! 

Brynlee usually does not like long car rides so I periodically would reach my hand back and take a picture of her so I can see what she is up to and if she is okay. These pictures cracked me up this time, I just love that little girl.

All in all it was a great Fathers day weekend!


My Mom and Dad recently bought a fun new place in Puerto Penasco, Mexico (Rocky Point). After a crazy winter we decided it would be good to go down for a bit for a nice break from everything. And so we did! We also got a fun opportunity to spend some time down there with my brother Adam and his wife Amber and their three kids.

We were a bit nervous taking Brynlee on her first airplane ride but she ended up doing awesome!

We first flew into Phoenix and then later that night drove down to Mexico after getting the Smith family from the airport. Once at the house we unloaded and went to sleep. I think the coolest thing about this house is the location. It is literally right on the beach (they are building a wall currently to keep the waves from getting to the home thats how close it is) so when you wake up this is your view:

During the day the tide goes out probably about 300 feet so what is left are these amazing tide pools filled with sea life. We found sand dollars, blue crabs, sponges, hermit crabs, and a star fish in these neat pools. And to add a bonus the water was SO warm. Basically this place is Heaven on Earth. 

Part way through our trip Brynlee woke up with TONS of spots covering her face and hands. 

Which of course was mildly upsetting but she didn't seem to even notice they were there! After we got home we found out they were flea bites (we had assumed it was something like that because of the location of the spots and Andrew had found a sand flea nearby) and they cleared up after a bit.. but still! crazy crazy. It was a bit uncomfortable at the airport though because I'm sure everyone around us thought she had measles. We even got stopped by the flight crew and questioned. But we made it home :)

Here are some more pictures from our trip:

All in all it was a great trip. It was so nice to be able to spend some time with my parents and with Adam and his family. But as always, it is nice to be home. I don't think I've ever seen Brynlee as happy as she was when we walked in the door ha!

poor diseased child hahah

Beginning of Summer

I feel like so much has been going on lately I'm not sure where to start! We have been having a lot of fun activities happening lately and it seems like time is just speeding by. A brief summery before I dive into our adventures:
Andrew- Andrew took the DAT in the beginning of May and did really well on it (but he wishes he did better) and has now officially applied to Dental School!! He applied to about 16 different schools (shotgun approach?) and we will see which ones bite. He will still be a few classes short of a Bachelors  degree which is not needed to get into a dental school, but is obviously helpful with being competitive. So there is a chance he won't get in but we figured we would just apply and see! Worse case scenario is we wait to apply again next year. 
Me- Nothing too new on my end. I am finishing up another round of classes tomorrow and just carrying on my normal things.
Brynlee- Oh man. As I mentioned in my other post I could go on and on with her. I love watching her explore and grow into a tiny little human. She just began crawling although it is more of an army crawl/worm crawl but she can definitely get from point A to B. Its funny though because she really has no desire to go anywhere. She loves to just sit and observe or quietly play with her little toys in front of her. She really is a super content baby.

She still hates pureed food and I usually can't get her to eat more than half a jar of baby food and even that is a challenge. That and she can't stand formula! I'm still nursing but there are times when I need her to take a bottle (if its BM she has no problem-just formula) and she won't have anything to do with it. So that's not so fun. But she does love solid pieces of food but she doesn't have any teeth yet so we are trying to find new foods to introduce that mush easy. This picture is from when Andrew's little sister Whitney was feeding her. It cracks me up.

 She LOVES to go to bed at night time. She usually will reach for her crib and once inside she just kicks, smiles and then turns to the side as if she is telling us to leave her alone now. Its really funny!